(570) 265-5333
PO Box 186, Towanda PA 18848
Prevention Book Fundraiser
ARCC not only serves victims of sexual assault and domestic violence, but we also provide prevention education to the community! This April help us empower and teach the children in our community in order to help protect them from abuse!
ARCC is collecting prevention education books to be donated to our LOCAL LIBRARIES where they will be available to all!
These books can act as conversation starters for caregivers to discuss topics like body autonomy (having control over your own body), consent (asking permission before hugging, kissing, or tickling another person), respecting other peoples personal space, having the confidence to say no, and respecting other people.
You can purchase a book from our Amazon gift registry and have it shipped directly to us or you can donate money to our Paypal account through the donate button above.
You can find the books on our Amazon registry